What is your name?
My name is Zuleidy
Where are you from & where do you live now?
I’m from Colombia
How old are you?
I am 23 years old
When is your birthday?
27 of January 1987
How tall are you?
150 cm
Are you straight or bi sexual?
Bi sexual
Do you have some special memories of your first shooting in porn?
Yes I do have some special recollections since it was the moment I felt for the first time if I was liberating my sexuality inside me. I have always been a very sexual person and it was clear for me that I wanted to earn my living with my image. The day of my first porn scene was a bit scary for me because I am a very small girl 1,50 height and 35kg, and they put to together with two enormous men with cocks of 20cm. I was afraid I was going to get hurt, but nothing like that!! I really found out that this was what I wanted to do and I have had the best time ever.
Do you have a partner? When yes, what does he think of you working in porn?
My partner is Paul Lapiedra (producer and director of porn). He introduced me in the cinema x, he has been my mentor and gave me the best advices I could get. He always respected my decision wanting to be a porn star and supports me with everything.
When did you have your first sexual relation?
I was 14 years old. I remember that when I told my best friend she said to me: fuck!! 14 years old and you are already sucking cocks!
Do you have some limits concerning sex?
I love sex, I enjoy anal sex and I like to be submissive in bed.
Sadomasoguismo is something I have never practiced nor I believe I ever will, but never say never.
Was there some particularly difficult moment for you in the world of porn?
I think that for women there are many difficult moments in porn. Just a week ago a friend of mine, also porn actress told me about ” the syndrome of the porn stars “, that is when you start questioning yourself if you have taken the right decision entering the world of porn and what do people think about what you do and your life.
When did you decide to become a porn star?
I always wanted to be a porn star. For me it is a privilege to be able to be desired by so many men. The cinema x looks to me a very glamorous world, is a mixture between cinema and sex.

Who is your favorite director and in what country do you prefer to shoot?
I like very much the movies of Andrew Blake, Michael Ninn, Rocco Sifredi and the brothers Lapiedra.
Of all countries I have worked in, I liked a lot Hungary because people in the industry are very professional and next to this the medical tests are far more complete than in other countries. In Spain it is very entertaining to shoot due to the Spanish mentality and vibe. But my big dream is to shoot movies in Japan
For you, who are the king and queen of porn?
Without any doubts the queen will be Jenna Jameson whom I admire deeply and the kings are Rocco and Nacho.
What do you think about” feminine porn “, porn done by women?
It seems to me perfect that women direct, it is very nice that in this industry the doors are open for all kind of different aspects. I like women directors like Bella Donna and Erica Lust.
Do you enjoy sex personally as much as it seems you do in the movies?
In my private life I enjoy sex very much. I consider it to be one of the most important things in a relationship. And like I said before I am a very sexual person.

What are your future projects?
Now I am dedicating a lot of my time to my Web zuleidy.com, because I believe that Internet together with mobile technology 3g is the future of this industry. In fact, I am preparing a portal Web to launch into the US market “Zucahs” debuting with 4 Webs this year.
Also working on a project together with the German Erotic Media shooting an erotic movie for TV. And now also Private just released on October the movie “100 % Zuleidy”.
Are you bisexual? You enjoy doing lesbian scenes?
I believe that we all are bisexual in a major or minor degree.
I am very sensitive for feminine beauty. I do enjoy the lesbians very much during shooting the movies, but I consider myself to be a heterosexual and I LOVE men!!!

What girls do you admire in porn? Who are your roll models?
I have always admired Jenna Jameson, and I am fascinated by Japanese porn stars like Sora Aoi and Maria Ozawa. I do not really have a roll model. I just want to be me, myself and become a start with my own strength and personality.
What is your dream to achieve in porn? What are your objectives?
I would love, like I said before, triumph as an actress in Japan, to be an Idol. Of course next to be a well known star in Europe and United states. And of course I would love to triumph as a producer, and businesswoman in this industry.
Did being a porn star ever caused you some problems?
So far it never caused me any problem. My family and partner do all support me. Actually so far I just experienced the opposite. It has so far only opened doors for me.
Which is the secret of your success?
I believe that my particular physics with the Lolita look is the secret of my success. In front of the cameras I give everything and fuck with my whole soul.
What has been so far a highlight in your career?
I have had already many great moments; one of the latest has been the opportunity to work together with Private.

Check out her Private movies: Zuleidy