“Crime Sex Investigation” has so many things going for it: it’s in solid porn territory because it has noirish elements as well as a familiar TV show that shares its initials.
More than that, however, each of the girls in it is dirty, dirty, dirty.
We talked with Carla Cox, the sultry, slutty Czech Republic native who is becoming a porn darling on several continents.
Private: Pretty women often say bad things behind each other’s backs…
Cox: Oh, they say nasty things to your face sometimes!
Private:…but it’s nice to hear when someone says something nice about you behind your back.
Cox: Absolutely! Who has said nice things about me so I can fuck her?
Private: Well, Bobbi Starr said some nice things about you, but if a fuck is the reward, I’ll go say some nice things about you behind your back right now…
Cox: Bobbi Starr is so hot.
Private: She said you were amazing on the set of “Footballers’ Wives“…
Cox: She was pretty amazing…
Private: But let’s talk about “Crime Sex Investigation.” One of the descriptions (from a Private boxcover” of your scene is “Our hero gets to bang her in both test tubes before she takes a spunk sample in the face.”
Cox: I don’t know what that means, but it sounds dirty…
Private: It is! You play a bar girl who gets picked up by a lowlife. Your pink dresss is barely there.
Cox: I remember that dress — it stayed on for most of the scene but it was covered in pussy and cum by the end of it. I don’t think I’ve worn it since because it couldn’t be cleaned off.
Private: Does that happen a lot?
Cox: More than you’d think.
Private: Well, I like the idea, so I think about it a lot.
Cox: I would say I lose several pieces of clothing a year because there’s too much cum on them.
Watch Carla Cox in “Crime Sex Investigation” here